
Duffin, C.J. (2022): The Margrave Anti-epileptic Powder. Pharmaceutical Historian, 52 (1): 1-15. [Mistletoe, Paeony and red coral amulets against various diseases, especially epilepsy]
Duffin, C.J. (2017): ‘Fish’, fossils and fakes: medicinal unicorn horn. In Duffin, C.J., Gardner-Thorpe, C. & Moody, R.T.J. (eds) Geology and Medicine: Historical Connections. Geological Society of London Special Publication, 452: 211-259. [Narwhal horn amulet as protection agaiinst poisoning and the plague]
Duffin, C.J. (2023): The medicinal uses of Stag Beetles. Pharmaceutical Historian, 53 (1): 26-30. [Stag beetle head amulets worn against various medical conditions]
Duffin, C.J. (2023): The Stag as an historical source of materia medica. Acta Historiae Medicinae, Stomatologiae, Pharmaciae, Medicinae Veterinariae, 42 (1): 14-35. [Stag antler and stag tooth amulets to protect against various diseases]
Duffin, C.J. (2007): Fish Otoliths and Folklore: A Survey. Folklore, 118 (April 2007): 78-90. [Amulets made of fish otoliths against various diseases]
Duffin, C.J. (2012): A Survey of birds and fabulous stones. Folklore, 123 (2): 179-197. [Amuletic use of the mineral siderite to control and ease childbirth]
Duffin, C.J. (2015): The Danny Jewel. Jewellery History Today, Issue No. 22 (Winter 2015): 6-7. [Narwhal horn used to protect against poisoning]
Duffin, C.J. (2016): The Jewel in the fish’s head. Jewellery History Today, Issue No. 27 (Autumn 2016): 6-7. [Fish otolith amulets used to protect against various diseases]
Duffin, C.J. (2013): Bezoar stones and their mounts. Jewellery History Today, Issue No. 16 (Winter 2013): 3-4. [Concretions from the stomachs of various animals used as amulets to protect against poisons and various diseases]
Vieira, Alexandra (2020) - Os amuletos em Portugal – dos objetos às superstições: o coral vermelho. In ARNAUD, José M.; NEVES, César; MARTINS, Andrea, coords. Arqueologia em Portugal 2020 - Estado da Questão. Lisboa: Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, pp. 1849-1864.
Vieira, Alexandra (2023) Amulets in Portugal - from objects to superstitions: the red coral. In Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia (online). Porto: Sociedade Portuguesa de Antropologia e Etnologia , vol. 63 pp. 117-137 (english version)